Another boring day passed
didn't do much in school today
slept for an hour or 2
back ache like mad due to the awkward position
i guess most people don't know what i do in school right?
so i took some screenshots of the level of the game my group is making

i'm supposed to create the level for the 2nd stage; the subway
so the two pictures above are part of the city area that leads to the subway.
it's on lighted mode
while these are the fully textured version,
thanks to daryl (da-rrel) for his nice textures
(the picture quality didn't turn out good... :(( )

the textured version of the first pic

ditto as above, 'cept this is for the 2nd one.

the center of the subway.
it's quite small lurh. but it will link to another subway.
will post more pictures if i remember.
8 letters; 3 words; 1 meaning; ILOVEYOU 10:13 PM
it seems that Ian has updated his blog,
though it was a video with lyrics
but still, i guess it's about time i update too.
i kinda like the way noven and eugene blog
as in the style, so am gonna try copy it.
so don't flame me ok?
anyway, i want to rant about a certain somebody.
up till now, i've never met someone so thick-skinned and stupid and annoying and *(insert anything you wish to insert.)
even he will make someone like damian look like a level 1 noob.
at least when you ask someone to shut up or go away,
no matter how thick skin that person is,
one will at least feel somewhat sad or insulted or something
but this certain person...
do not have those feelings in him i guess.
the more u scold him and ask him to get lost,
the more he smiles and laughs in a way that even a mentally retarded kid look normal
and continued doing his annoying stuff
i used to think he's the kind of guy where he gets his cheap thrills from making people pissed
so i put on my very '/ignore' mode on,
and it didn't even work one bit.
the more you ignore him,
the more he continues doing his annoying antics,
the more you give him attention,
the more he continues doing his annoying antics,
and he's like so pathetically sad too.
it's like he has no other friends to hang out or go lunch with
so he's always calling my group leader whenever it's lunch time
like how a kid will call his mother.
and it's also sad that he watches the same video over and over again,
laughs out loud like a retarded-mentally-challenged-kid
which will now be called RMCK
and, he forces other people around him to bear and watch the vid..
even when nobody is there,
after his attempt to lure us there
he'll blast out the video loud and laugh like the RMCK he is
and to top it off, i usually play my music out for my group
with like recommendations from my group members.
and when he comes into the room and on his videos
he'll purposely raised the volume even louder than mine
like such a fucking turd right?
i thought that maybe i was the only one who had something against him
but if my WHOLE, yes WHOLE group thinks the same way too,
then it's just that RMCK!
if it ok to assault someone else,
i swear, i'll be the first one who'll make that move.
8 letters; 3 words; 1 meaning; ILOVEYOU 7:47 PM